SYMC - Take a bow
Dear All,
It has been a pleasant one year since we embark on a journey blooming into something so massive, so immense and personal.
I would like to highlight some of the ups and downs the committee faced throughout the exprience. 1stly, we started out as an SP (Specialist Project) became an CCA and turned into an SP again, we have lost sponsors, speakers, attendance but alas these were minor setbacks. For myself the biggest setback was to lose steam, to lose passion. You see, I hardly helped out with anything for the 1st half of the year, things happened and I got back on track, and boy did i make a comeback. I gave the most of what I can when it came to my turn, because i will not dissapoint the team, they recognized me and believed in me.
Together we packed 1000 goody bags by hand (yes all 1000 are blessed by my sweat thank you very much). We somehow managed to call up almost 50 other schools (one by one) to come to the event, these included students from Hong Kong, Australia, The United States etc. We managed to secure sponsors, so generous we can cater to more than 1000 people coming to the conference. We have liased with everyone whom we thought were impossible before, to now forging new relationships. And the single most important thing I believe we have done - To rally the POWER of FMS, which includes FSV, MCM, our SP groups, students and lecturers. On the 26th we all worked for a common goal, petty politics matter no more.
Please also understand that this is done by NINE students, not even 10, nope just a single digit. In between juggling school work during the semester and work during holidays, we somehow managed.
I would like to also highlight some special people who made SYMC possible:
1) EM (Estates Management)
I've been liasing with these people for the longest time, and they mean business. Thanks to David Chye, Gopal, Mak, Sa'ad et al, they offered the most help when needed, responded to all sorts of ridiculous demands and were there to see SYMC grow up.
Thank you so much, these people gave us students respect and in turn I respect these people from the bottom of my heart. They also sponsored us for landscaping, something that really made a difference to SYMC.
2) Our Principle, Mr Chia Mia Chiang
For giving us advices, the go aheads and nods when needed.
3) Corp Comms
Although I believe there were several conflicts and mis communications, Corp Comms has been kind enough to give us support.
4) Our advisors Mr Brian Lee & Mr Herald Bangras
For selecting such a pro team and encouraging us all the way. There might be some disputes now and then, but hey thats part and parcel of working together, no?
5) SYMC Ex-Co
Surely there can be no other, the 9 of us hanging together through thick and thin. Made history? Hell yeah. I believe we have raised the bar so high, no other can even hope to smell our fumes.
6) The Pros
Yea baby, I have yet to tell you guys this, but the 6 of us has saved SYMC. From sitting down on the MRT with Pang the pro, discussing how to better the workshop, stoning at 3 am with Geoff, designing the Ganja, 1/2 an hour to presentation Raymond slamming me, to the massive production of burning 400 CDs and slotting in 400 DVD covers and booklets (me excluded) with Jac and Clara, we have proed it. Anyone who doubts our proness will just have to challenge us and hell, we will show you exactly how pro we are.
7) Friends of SYMC
To our sponsors, FSV, every lecturer, every single SP out there, every helper, every friend that we met on the way, and all participants, kudos to you for your unconditional help at a time of need.
Once again I take a step backwards and bow to you guys, Thank you!
For the last time,
Puan Chi Heng,
Logistics Director,
SYMC Executive Committee 2005
Signing off.
It has been a pleasant one year since we embark on a journey blooming into something so massive, so immense and personal.
I would like to highlight some of the ups and downs the committee faced throughout the exprience. 1stly, we started out as an SP (Specialist Project) became an CCA and turned into an SP again, we have lost sponsors, speakers, attendance but alas these were minor setbacks. For myself the biggest setback was to lose steam, to lose passion. You see, I hardly helped out with anything for the 1st half of the year, things happened and I got back on track, and boy did i make a comeback. I gave the most of what I can when it came to my turn, because i will not dissapoint the team, they recognized me and believed in me.
Together we packed 1000 goody bags by hand (yes all 1000 are blessed by my sweat thank you very much). We somehow managed to call up almost 50 other schools (one by one) to come to the event, these included students from Hong Kong, Australia, The United States etc. We managed to secure sponsors, so generous we can cater to more than 1000 people coming to the conference. We have liased with everyone whom we thought were impossible before, to now forging new relationships. And the single most important thing I believe we have done - To rally the POWER of FMS, which includes FSV, MCM, our SP groups, students and lecturers. On the 26th we all worked for a common goal, petty politics matter no more.
Please also understand that this is done by NINE students, not even 10, nope just a single digit. In between juggling school work during the semester and work during holidays, we somehow managed.
I would like to also highlight some special people who made SYMC possible:
1) EM (Estates Management)
I've been liasing with these people for the longest time, and they mean business. Thanks to David Chye, Gopal, Mak, Sa'ad et al, they offered the most help when needed, responded to all sorts of ridiculous demands and were there to see SYMC grow up.
Thank you so much, these people gave us students respect and in turn I respect these people from the bottom of my heart. They also sponsored us for landscaping, something that really made a difference to SYMC.
2) Our Principle, Mr Chia Mia Chiang
For giving us advices, the go aheads and nods when needed.
3) Corp Comms
Although I believe there were several conflicts and mis communications, Corp Comms has been kind enough to give us support.
4) Our advisors Mr Brian Lee & Mr Herald Bangras
For selecting such a pro team and encouraging us all the way. There might be some disputes now and then, but hey thats part and parcel of working together, no?
5) SYMC Ex-Co
Surely there can be no other, the 9 of us hanging together through thick and thin. Made history? Hell yeah. I believe we have raised the bar so high, no other can even hope to smell our fumes.
6) The Pros
Yea baby, I have yet to tell you guys this, but the 6 of us has saved SYMC. From sitting down on the MRT with Pang the pro, discussing how to better the workshop, stoning at 3 am with Geoff, designing the Ganja, 1/2 an hour to presentation Raymond slamming me, to the massive production of burning 400 CDs and slotting in 400 DVD covers and booklets (me excluded) with Jac and Clara, we have proed it. Anyone who doubts our proness will just have to challenge us and hell, we will show you exactly how pro we are.
7) Friends of SYMC
To our sponsors, FSV, every lecturer, every single SP out there, every helper, every friend that we met on the way, and all participants, kudos to you for your unconditional help at a time of need.
Once again I take a step backwards and bow to you guys, Thank you!
For the last time,
Puan Chi Heng,
Logistics Director,
SYMC Executive Committee 2005
Signing off.
yo chi pro something wrong with your tagboard or something man
but i enjoyed that brainstorming session on the train! and how we always compare the trains to the ones in taipei and tokyo. hahahaahahaa symc rules!
Pang, at 12:10 PM
So much hard work and sweat behind the event!
S., at 3:11 PM
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