Chi Chat with Chi Heng

Thursday, July 12, 2007

ORD? Right....

So yea back from the jungles of Brunei, thanks to those who wished me well, i came back unscathed. The same couldnt be said for my men...

But im glad for them, because from what i can see, they've pushed themselves much further and harder then anyone else in the battalion, myself included.
Casualty rate in my coy can be said to be the highest of the 3 coys... (at least in my eyes)

Well most of us thought that the worst is over. Right?

WRONG, i exclaim, way wrong.

The truth is, it has just began.
2 months before my Operational Ready Date
The Battalion has been task to defend our nation by standing by.
Right after our overseas training.

What impeccable timing, eh?

Well, you would begin to say "hey but youre ording soon right? so not so bad what?"
My answer to that would be....

A sigh. Thats all.

Because all our overseas leave will be denied,
Because i have fucking 19 days of off and leave i have yet to clear, of which a good half of it is last year's leave, and my higher ups have the cheek to tell me to sign off the leaves in the system 1st and repay me back in offs(in which most cases it'll be forgotten) so they wont get into fucking administrative trouble.
Because my weekends are STILL burning like its fucking seventh month gim zhua and even if they pay me back the offs in weekdays, some of the time lost can never be replaced

Because our higher up is still grabbing us by the balls, humiliating us in front of the men recruit style without much logic or much justification save to have a display of power in front of the new specialists (god bless)
Because there are some fuckers, who abuses the system and gets away all the time and the so called "fit" people are left with a big pile of shit
Because i still have a fucking 50 km route march
Because i am a NSPS and thus would have to serve an additional 5 years in reservist
Because i was the 1st and foremost battalion best and i'd have to be a role model for my men and commanders, so that fact negates all of the above. more below

Because I have been rendered a lost soul, after being turned down by a local university because of the nature of my STAY IN VOCATION, i simply do not have the time to sit down and take my time to do up a decent portfolio not to mention the baby boom year (yes why would they choose a mediocre student over an elite from a pool of i-dont-know-how-many-but-a-fucking-lot-of-people? i wouldnt) and an overseas education is out of the question (well most prob) because my family is not that well to do.
Because all my friends are flying off to study.

And lastly because i have lost so much, so much. Even after giving my all and by "my all" it takes literal sense in almost all aspects.
Because of this national service path that has been dictated for me, which they say is a path i chose.

Perhaps it is a path i chose
So take it all, its yours.

PS: didnt mean for such an angsty post, but felt good after describing all the injustices and system loopholes
Might get into trouble, might not. who cares anymore


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