Chi Chat with Chi Heng

Monday, February 28, 2005

SYMC Crew Posted by Hello


Been looking at some pics that just came in for SYMC...
Gotta admit, the actual day just flew by like that, adrenaline was the only thing that kept me going (only slept a few hours in the office the night before)

The only moment that stuck to my head was still the few minutes with Sherman, Ling and Mr Bangras at the aisle of seats, the hall was pretty empty:

Sherman: Ok everyone lets just take 5 minutes, dont think of anything just absorb everything...

I plonked down literally, lying on the floor from exhaustion.


Then tears came... haha i lied that i was tired, hey everyone's got a pride right.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Don't Leave Home Without Chi Heng.

That's right, dont leave home without me...

Check it out... Here's some more

A Chi Heng Is Forever.
Show Me The Chi Heng!
It's Not All Chi Heng, Chi Heng, Chi Heng, you know.
You've Got Questions. We've Got Chi Heng.

And last but not least...

The Best Part of Waking Up is Chi Heng in Your Cup.

Sounds damm fooking wrong dammit...

Monday, February 21, 2005

Quote of the day

u can make video tt make tp students regret their choice meh?
Ryan Wee Hao Wei,
3rd Year CMM Student of Temasek Polytechnic,
on the topic of their sucky TVC.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Farmiliar Faces...

Just had dinner at chomp chomp...
Saw my primary school form teacher (p5 & 6) Mrs Chan and her family having dinner and I just stopped by and said hi.

Nothing spectacular i guess but to me this meeting has been at least rehearsed a couple of hundred times in my head. Haha, wierd...

I guess she was one of the few people who made an impact in my life, once again nothing life changing and great but she was one primary school teacher i remembered quite positively. I wanted to show her that i have progressed pretty well up the education ladder and that I'm grateful for her teachings.

Heck Murphy and his law.

This was the actual conversation:

Me: Hi Mrs Chan, remember me? Chi Heng, you used to teach me in mayflower primary school.

Mrs Chan (Blur look, had to repeat myself): Oo yes mayflower, cant recognize you with your funky hairdo.

Me: Haha, well figured I should stop by and say hi... Nice to see you again (moved off feeling extremely awkward)

damm... i should've at least passed her my namecard...